Monday, June 21, 2010

no to dying in just underwear.

i got home yesterday after what seemed like 3 nonstop days of debauchery. well not really, just 3 nights of drinking. friday was ginXgrapejuice over a religious debate. one round only as the participants got really into the subject lolz. saturday was still ginXgrapejuice, with A's paternal cousins. an interesting bunch, they carried the session all the way to past midnight with five rounds. i had trouble sleeping that night, maybe cos i wanted something i couldn't get then. the next day was a baptismalXbirthday bash, held near here. it was flooding alcohol and longlife food! i thought i wouldn't make it home after what seemed like a case and a half all to myself, but i just fell asleep. i live alone here, so i find it profoundly lonely. haha. somebody was nice enough to load up my internet, so i'm here. but this'll last till sometime around midnight only. i've hoarded up on vids to watch and songs to check out.

these things keep you young, they say. lolz

being home always leaves me reminiscing, childhood, growing up, what the future could be or when will it all be over. stalker guy still hangs around, but i've kinda found something in this other person. it was kinda love at first sight for me, last year, september-ish if i'm not mistaken. though he's shorter than me, he's a cross between zac efron and jake vargas (in my eyes, lolz). it was this february when he pulled me away from a drinking crowd and said he was okay to have a relationship with me, as long as we keep it from his uncle, who's his guardian. he stays with me in a house i got in the same area his uncle stays with his family. he's also younger, but i've no problems with that. i can tell, kinda, that he's really straight and this is just a phase for him, he'll up and make girls cry and have kids, and i'll be alone like always. maybe he'll make life a little more bittersweet for me by asking to be his kid's godparent, crushing my plan of never having to see him again, lolz. but for now, he means a lot, and i wish i could do more for him.

i'll be here home alone for a couple of days, sleeping, cleaning, chilling. if i die it'll probably be a while before i'm found, as nobody comes here. i just hope i don't die wearing just undies, haha! =D

that half-sphere is the mid-afternoon moon...

i take a lot of pictures and i always bring a camera with me.

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